
Alles naar de cara-vaantjes! (4+)

Oh no! The kids have taken over GC de Lijsterbes! Will everything go smoothly, or will it all go pear-shaped?

GC de Kam and GC de Lijsterbes take turns hosting the Kinderhoogdag (Children's Cultural Day), a day of exciting workshops, cool games, amazing acts, and crazy activities. This year, it's Kraainem's turn! Join the party caravan and let's have some fun!

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Kinderhoogdag Alles naar de caravaantjes



  • Basistarief: € 7,00
  • Basistarief volwassene: € 7,00
  • Basistarief kind: € 7,00


GC de Lijsterbes
Lijsterbessenbomenlaan 6
1950 Kraainem

More information about the full program will be available soon.

What we can already say is that your ticket also gives you access to the performance Mobi Mobi (6+).

Please note: Parents also need to buy a ticket.

Mobi Mobi
© Eric Roels

Mobi Mobi (6+)

Every year, the Van Dremmel family sets off with their motorhome.
Every year, they go to the same place,
play the same games,
go to the same restaurant,
wear the same clothes,
take the same walks,
read the same stories,
and the dad tells the same jokes.

But this year, the children have had enough. They take matters into their own hands. This year will be a holiday to truly never forget.

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