Stage dans & zang (6-12 jaar)

Sportstage krokusvakantie 2025

Forget a boring holiday sitting still and join us at GC de Lijsterbes for exciting activities throughout the entire break!

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  • basisprijs: € 110,00
  • UiTPAS met kansentarief: € 22,00


GC de Lijsterbes
Lijsterbessenbomenlaan 6
1950 Kraainem

Target audience


Calling all dancers and singers! Get ready to shake your body and unleash your voice in this exciting workshop! We'll embark on a cultural adventure through traditional songs and dances from around the world. But first, let's explore your inner spirit! Choose your totem animal or plant – what best represents you? What is your most important character trait? We'll use imagination, verbal and physical expression to work with dance, song and theatre based on the totem animals.

Practical information:

  • While Dutch is the spoken language of the camp, there will be no explicit focus on language learning.
  • The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free childcare is available from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • The camp takes place in GC de Lijsterbes classrooms and garden.
  • Please bring your own lunch and snacks.
  • Dress your child in comfortable clothes and shoes that can handle a bit of dirt.
  • You can finalise your payment once you have completed the medical and tax information for your child.

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